Using dpkg selections to backup and install packages
tar/compressing a massive backupbackupcompressiontar h by Bazyli Brzóska | August 5th, 2013 | Code & Securitytar –use-compress-program=pigz –numeric-owner -cvf /mnt/full-backup.tar.gz ./1005 ./1006… rsync snippet for updating a large filebackuprsync h by Bazyli Brzóska | August 5th, 2013 | Code & Security WordPress › ErrorThere has been a critical error on this website.Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.
rsync snippet for updating a large filebackuprsync h by Bazyli Brzóska | August 5th, 2013 | Code & Security WordPress › ErrorThere has been a critical error on this website.Learn more about troubleshooting WordPress.